Monday 12 November 2012

Representation of characters

I feel it is important to have a variety of characters and various representations within a thriller, to allow the audience to have a good understanding of the narrative itself. It enables them to follow the plot and for them to have an idea of what is to come next in each scene. Different representation of characters helps to emotionally connect the audience, as they are most likely to feel sympathy for the victim and their family, as their presented to be innocent and young, undeserving of what is to come.  

My group consists of 3 characters:

Name: Sam
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Race: White
Background: Unfound criminal, being hunted for by police to arrest for mass murders of young children. He is well known for being always 1 step ahead and covering up all evidence, leaving just the body behind. His choice of location is always advantageous where the victim can be unheard.
Purpose of narrative: His purpose is to kidnap and murder ruby in the chosen location of the forest. A trap is set for her to take a different route consisting of going into the dark forest. He has the advantage of Ruby being unheard, therefore able to get away scot-free yet again.
How will the character appeal to the audience: The villains identity is never revealed within the two minute clip, however this creates curiosity and makes the audience question who it may be.

Name: Ruby
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: Mixed
Background: A typical 14 year old school girl, brought up in a good family that sam has taken interest to. She has a continuous routine that is watched, consisting of coming home from school and taking her dog for a walk usually with her mother, until the day of the attack.
Purpose of narrative: The child that is kidnapped and killed by sam. She plays the bait to his plan in noticing a suspicious object, therefore making her choose a different route as her instinct tells her something isn't right. She begins to hear unusual sounds and in panic begins running, then becoming out of breath and lightheaded.
How will the character appeal to the audience: Her character will be portrayed as an innocent, young child that has never sinned. The audience feel sympathy as her character is undeserving of the actions that are about to take place.

Victims mother
Name: Mum
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Race: White
Background: A normal, caring mother that has a close bond with her child Ruby. Being a single parent her life has become very busy in order to provide, but will always puts Ruby first.
Purpose of narrative: On the day of the attack, she is unable to attend the usual dog walk, but Ruby offers to go alone. Before leaving she warns Ruby to be careful, therefore foreshadowing that something bad is going to happen on the one day she is not there. When she receives a disturbed call, she rushes out straight away to find her. Ruby's phone and torch are found but she is not to be seen.
How will the character appeal to the audience: Her personality characteristics portray to the audience that she is very caring for Ruby, and that she will do anything for her. They also begin to feel sympathy as she has lost the only thing that she cares about, and that she is unable to find her.


  1. This post on your representation of characters shows a good understanding of planning requirements and this is because you have considered the role of your characters and how you wish to portray them on screen.

    Now aim to include still images to support the points above.

  2. The still images that you have included help to show further understanding of the points that you have made above
