Thursday 15 November 2012

Planning cinematography

Camera shots are important to include within a thriller film as it gives the audience a greater understanding of the characters feelings and emotions, therefore making an emotional connection, such as sympathizing for the victim whilst under attack.

Point of view shot in shallow focus
I will be including this shot within my two minute thriller early on, as the audience can see exactly what the character is focusing on, therefore making it conventional as it creates curiosity and tension as she becomes closer to the mysterious objects.

Panning and mid shot
This specific camera shot focuses on the victim, Ruby as she places her earphones in her ears cutting one of her senses; the ability to hear her surroundings. Making sure that the audience are aware of this feature makes it conventional, as it forebodes that due to her decision of doing so, something bad is going to happen.

High angle and establishing shot
I include this shot within, as it sets the scene; showing the audience the type of location it is, being very open and isolated, with nothing but the occasional train passing. This shot is particularly conventional as it foreshadows that it is the ideal location for a villain to carry out an attack, due to that fact of being heard by no one. Although there is no focus on Ruby herself, the audience can see that she is alone making herself seem very vulnerable.

Hand held and point of view shot
This shot I find the most interesting. I chose to include both shots, due to when Ruby begins to run, because of feeling a presence around her that is unseen. The fact that the camera is held unsteadily with a jerky, bouncy image creates a sense of chaos and gives the impression that the character is also unstable. This makes it conventional as the audience emotionally connect as they feel how scared she is, and due to the camera not being in good focus, it builds tension as the audience are waiting for something/someone to pop out.

My target audience of 15 will build a relationship with the characters within my thriller, through my variety of camera shots, as it closely connects the audience to the characters emotions. The fact that Ruby is not far from my target audiences age, the audience put themselves into Ruby's shoes to imagine what it may be like, therefore sympathizing. Overall this is conventional as it portrays Ruby's emotions; scared, vulnerable and unsure of what to do. This creates suspense and tension as the scene plays and the audience begin question what is to come next.

1 comment:

  1. This post shows some understanding of planning and this is because you have considered the different camera shots that you wish to include within your thriller film.

    You have also considered some of the codes and conventions of a thriller film, but this needs to be explained in more detail.
