Monday 3 December 2012

Planning Sound

Sound is important as it is used in films to manipulate the audiences emotions and to build a greater understanding. It is responsible for making the thriller more engaging as it creates more meaning about the characters and their emotions.

When thinking about what sounds to include within our thriller, my group and I need to make sure that we correctly connect the sound to the scene, helping to build suspense. Below I will be adding some examples of sounds we may possible use to make our thriller conventional, making the narrative more clear to the audience.
  • I would like to include this within my thriller when Ruby (victim) directs her route into the dark forest. I feel this is conventional as it is extremely eery which builds tension, therefore giving the audience a greater understanding as it forebodes that something bad is going to happen as a result. This is conventional and suits the setting, as it gives the feeling of the unknown, not knowing what is to happen or what to expect. The audience get this feeling through the strings within.
  • I found this sound the most interesting, due to the fact that the suspense builds up and up, but then lowers again. This gives the effect that more action and drama is to come within the scene, which can be seen as quite exciting from the audiences prospectus. I would like this to be included within the abduction/murder scene where Ruby is being dragged, as her mother listens to the screams on the other end of the phone line. The type of tune makes the audience aware that this is the attack scene, giving an idea that Ruby is vulnerable. I feel this is conventional as continual suspense is built throughout, therefore making the audience nervous on what is going to happen to Ruby once she is taken away.
  • This song I have looked at was used in the film 'Taken 2'. I would like this to be a possible song choice for the on-screen sound that Ruby is shown listening to through her earphones. I feel it is a very uptempo song, that contrasts to her surrounding and what is to come. This would show the audience that Ruby has no expectation of anything to happen to her during the dog walk. I feel it is conventional and would help our thriller, due to the fact that the music contrasts; it could put the audience into a relaxed mood, that when Ruby is to be attacked they are shocked, as it is the unexpected.
In conclusion, the sounds that may be possible choices, will assist my group when we want to portray certain ideas and to draw in the audience emotionally. The sounds help to connect the narrative, therefore all coming together to build suspense and create a clear understanding for the audience. Each sound is used for different aspects of our thriller with the one that contrasts, yet still complimenting the opening scene as a whole. I feel that this selection, plus other sounds will make the thriller come together significantly and add great effect, making it enjoyable for an audience to watch.

Other ideas: